08. Running a Python Script

If you are on a Windows machine, you can follow along using git. If you are on a Mac or Linux machine, the terminal should be available with a quick search. You should then be able to follow along as shown in the video below.

Running A Python Script

Run a Python Script!

  1. Download the zip file first_script attached at the bottom of this page (click it to unzip the file, then move it to an appropriate directory on your computer). This might be a good time to set up a new directory for your learning if you don't have one already.
  2. Open your terminal and use cd to navigate to the directory containing that downloaded file.
  3. Now that you’re in the directory with the file, you can run it by typing python first_script.py and pressing enter. Note: You may have to enter python3 instead of python to execute Python 3 if you have both versions installed on your computer.

You’ll know you’ve run the script successfully if you see this message printed to your terminal:

Congratulations on running this script!!